1: You are a proud contributing Author of Purple Hues-3, India's favorite Anthology. What is your story/poem about? Is it related to your own life or someone you know? Firstly, I want to thank Purple Hues-3 for giving me such a wonderful platform to share my story. My poem is based on the social issue of child labor. Despite being declared illegal, child labor is widely practiced in India. The specific kind of child labor that my poem highlights are child maids. A huge number of teenage girls are b(r)ought from villages to work in cities as maidservants. They are made to work night and day, in inhumane conditions, simply because many do not even regard them as humans. I was inspired to write this poem because of a girl who used to work in my own house. She is now back with her sister in her village, preparing for exams to become a nurse. 2: As the theme for the series is Inspiration, tell us who or what inspired you to start writing. I reme...
A Book Series