Submission Call - Purple Hues 3 A call for submissions of short stories and poems for the third edition of Purple Hues Guidelines; 1- We accept both fiction and non-fiction in stories. 2-The stories and poems should resemble our THEME is some way. The Theme for Purple Hues-3 is INSPIRE. 3-We want the stories and poems to reflect the emotions of courage, bravery, joy, gratitude, hope, love, awakening, self-realization, pride, faith and re-instilling change in the mindsets. 4- Story and Poems should be in English and unpublished. The maximum limit for short story is 2000 words and maximum limit for the poem is 30 lines. 5- Co-authored stories and multiple submissions are allowed. 6- The selected participants need to pay Rs.2000 for the story and Rs.1000 for poems. 7- We would accept only one story per contributor and up to 4 poems.On the cover page of the submission, please give your complete contact information- Name, Address , C...
A Book Series